Preparing for Student Changeovers (without losing your mind!)

June 26, 2023
Written by
Team Hive

As a HMO landlord, you're probably no stranger to the chaos of student changeovers. And if this is your first rodeo, you've no doubt heard all the horror stories!

The thought of a tornado of textbooks, empty beer cans, and half-eaten pizza boxes can be overwhelming on the run up to summer. But fear not, with a little bit of preparation, you can survive the madness of student changeovers and come out the other side unscathed.

Here are some steps you can take to prepare your property for the next academic year:

Download our Moving Out Instructions Template for student tenants ↑

Start early (like, really early.)

Listen, we all know that students are not well-known for their punctuality. So, if you want to avoid a last-minute scramble to get your property ready for the new tenants, start preparing at least a month in advance. This will give you enough time to make any necessary repairs or upgrades to the property before the new tenants move in. It will also give you enough time to recover from the trauma of the previous tenants' departure. Trust me, you'll need it!

The very best thing you can do for yourself, and your tenants, is supply your current tenants with a set of moving out instructions - which if you don't already have, you can download from inside The Hive today. Because let's face it, we all need a little help sometimes.

Communicate with current tenants (before they ghost you.)

You know that feeling when you're waiting for a text back from someone, and you start to wonder if they've disappeared off the face of the earth? That's exactly how it feels when you're waiting for your current tenants to confirm their move-out date. So, make sure to communicate with them early and often to ensure that they are aware of the move-out date. This will help you plan for any necessary cleaning or maintenance tasks. It will also help you avoid any awkward run-ins with tenants who have already moved out without telling you.

Download our Deep Cleaning Checklist, and have your cleaners follow the plan

Give the place a deep clean.

And when we say deep, we mean really deep.

Before the new tenants move in, make sure that the property is thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom. This includes cleaning carpets, windows, and appliances, and disinfecting high-touch surfaces. A clean property will make a great first impression on new tenants and help them to forget about the horrors of their previous student digs.

If you need an extensive list of where to clean in your HMO, to provide to your cleaning company, join The Hive now to download our comprehensive deep-cleaning checklist. Trust me, it'll be a lifesaver!

Make any necessary repairs.

If there are any repairs that need to be made, such as fixing leaky faucets or replacing broken appliances, make sure to take care of them before the new tenants move in. This will help prevent any maintenance issues during their stay and prevent you from having to deal with a property falling apart at the seams.

Check safety features.

Ensure that all smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers are in working order. This is not only a legal requirement but also crucial for the safety of your tenants. No one wants to be the landlord who gets sued because their property burned down due to faulty smoke detectors.

Create a welcome pack.

If you're as passionate about being a landlord as we are here in The Hive, you'll want to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your new tenants and show the world that landlords really aren't monsters!

Creating a welcome pack for new tenants that includes important information about the property, such as how to use appliances and where to find important documents, will help them settle in quickly and feel comfortable in their new home. Plus, it might even prevent them from calling you at 3am because they can't figure out how to turn on the oven! And let's be real, no one wants to deal with that either.


In conclusion, preparing your property for student changeovers is critical to ensure a smooth transition for your tenants. But, with a little bit of preparation and a lot of patience, you can survive the madness of student changeovers without losing your marbles! Just remember to start early, communicate often, do your checks, and stay on track.

And, most importantly, don't forget to breathe. You got this!

Join The Hive Members Club today for just £19.99 to access an array of helpful downloads and tools that'll support you through this testing changeover season!