We're always here for you, girl! Find our common FAQs right here, if you're in need of a little help with your membership

reach out

Email our friendly help team at any time for support, at

Frequently asked questions

If something’s not working quite right,  you’re a bit lost, or you have a niggling question about your membership, feel free to take a read through these common FAQs below or reach out to us - our team will always be available to talk through any issues and questions.

I’m struggling with the Branding & Design Discovery Programme, can you help?

Although we’ve worked hard to make our Branding & Design Discovery Programme as easy as possible to digest and follow, we understand that there may be sections where you get lost or stuck along the way.

We have created a dedicated Slack thread specifically for the Branding Programme, and we welcome you to pop any questions or issues in there - someone from either our community or our team will get back to you as soon as possible with advice. You are also welcome to reach out to us privately via email for further support and advice at any point during your membership.

How do I access the private Slack Channel?

Please find the link to The Hive Members Club Slack channel right here. Follow the instructions set out by Slack, in order to create your account (if you haven't got one already) and join our space.

If you are struggling to gain access after following Slack’s instructions, we suggest taking a look at Slack’s dedicated support page here to troubleshoot any problems. Or reach out to our team at and we will try and assist you if possible.

Will there be any Masterclass Session in the future?

We have made the decision to end our monthly Masterclass Sessions, instead replacing them with more hands-on support sessions (or member sounding-board sessions if you like). After a year of business, we feel that targeted advice and a sense of community have the biggest influences on personal and business growth. Therefore, we wanted to create more of these opportunities and moments for our members moving into 2023.

What happens if I miss a live Support Session?

If you missed a live Support Session, you will, unfortunately, have to wait until the next scheduled session, which is usually in a months time - sorry! These Zoom chats are designed to be informal, drop-in sessions that members can attend if, and when, they require specific help with their business or projects. They will not be recorded or uploaded into our archives due to privacy issues.

Where can I view and download my membership receipts for tax purposes?

Please follow these instructions for viewing your billing history and downloading receipts via our payment portal:
- Click on your member’s icon in the top right-hand corner
- The ‘Manage Profile’ pop-up window should appear
- Select ‘Membership’ from the left-hand side menu
- Find the ‘Billing History’ section where all of your payments should be displayed
- To view individual receipts, select ‘View’ on the payment details you require
- You should be redirected to a Stripe page where you can select to either ‘Download Invoice’ or ‘Download Receipt’

Something not working as it should? Get in touch with us at

How do I cancel my membership?

We’re so sorry to hear that you want to cancel your membership - we’d really hate to see you go! Is there anything we can do to help change your mind? Please reach out to us at, and someone from our team would be more than happy to chat with you about any issues or doubts you're having about your membership.

You can cancel your monthly membership at any point to leave The Hive Members Club (although your monthly payment is non-refundable due to the nature of the platform and the content you have been supplied with on purchase). To cancel your membership please follow these instructions:
- Click on your member’s icon in the top right-hand corner
- The ‘Manage Profile’ pop-up window should appear
- Please select ‘Membership’ from the left-hand side menu
- Under the ‘Manage Membership’ section, you will see your membership type
- Select 'Cancel' and follow through your cancellation via Stripe

Please be aware that once your membership has been canceled, your membership benefits will be immediately revoked. You'll no longer be able to access The Hive Members Club online platform, invited to new Mastermind Sessions or Interior Design Clinics, or attend our members-only events. You will also be removed from our community Slack group.

For annual members, if you would like to cancel your membership for the following year please ensure you have cancelled your subscription (using the same instructions as above) before your renewal date. If you fail to cancel before your annual renewal date, you will be charged,

If I cancel my membership, can I return in the future?

We completely understand that sometimes you have to cut spending or re-prioritise your membership contracts - so we never want our members to feel guilty about canceling. If you think that you’d like to rejoin The Hive Members Club after canceling, you are most welcome to. You’ll gain all of your membership benefits back on return to your membership.